July 22, 2011

Diversity vs. Similarity

Diversity in a society in terms of culture, language, beliefs and so on is one of the most important concepts that we should bear in mind while talking about democratic citizenship. As a teacher I see the issue in the way that there are some people in the society who are natural leaders. We mean they do not need any power or any charisma to affect other people. The people we are talking about are teachers. They are the source of their culture and flag men of civilization in a universally thinking way.

They plant the seeds of new generations and cultivate it. Then, next years other teachers will have more harvests or it will get less and less year by year and one day they will have nothing. Here, the most important thing is how beneficial their doing their job. This can be considered in a metaphorical way and the outcome can be either a modern and developed society or the bitter end of it that has been eradicated by its teachers.

Teachers are leaders that gather people together under common denominators regardless of their ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds. Actually, these differences show the wealth of this society. All in all, teacher is the chef of the society to cook very delicious meals with many ingredients in a great harmony.    

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